
My first year as a swapper, a very addictive pass-time

These are the swaps I have been in, since I discovered that wonderful way to exchange ideas in January 1999.
The linked names, link to the page where the swap items can be seen, either as a display-page provided by the meister, as a picture from my personal photo-album or as a page on a polymer clay site. If there is no link, try here under swaps, if not here then I haven't been able to find one, sorry…...

Valentines hearts.  Hosted by Shauna Poong
Tiny house. Hosted by Otterfire
Sunshiney beads. Hosted by Elise Mann
Feel the Bead. Hosted by Elise Mann
Tiny Tropical Fish. Hosted by Sharon Bolmey
Childbirth inspiration. Hosted by Stephen Shooster
Trolls. Hosted by NipnTuck
Fantasy beads. Hosted by ClayNstuff
Angels. Hosted by ClayNstuff
Turtles. Hosted by Shauna Poong
Wild animals. Hosted by ClayNstuff
Great Teddy-bear Necklace. Hosted by Minette Miller Wills
Beautiful Barettes. Hosted by Marilou Porth
Rainwear. Hosted by Peggy Aspinwall
Funky Turtles. Hosted by Nuchi Draimann
Christmas ornaments. Hosted by Cindy Lybeck
Some bunny loves you Necklace. Hosted by Minette Miller Wills
Celestial Beads. Hosted by Ruthe Paul
The giant Gargoyle swap. Hosted by Tara Brayshaw
Miniature Castles. Hosted by Tara Brayshaw
One Ball Critters swap. Hosted by TiggerSong
Breast swap. Hosted by TiggerSong
Fairies. Hosted by Letia Anderson
MobileParts. Hosted by Sparkley Broccoli
Story Book inspired swap. Hosted by Amanda Lüchen
Noahs Ark swap, the animals that made it. Hosted by Irene Coyer
Noahs Arks swap, the animals who didn't make it. Hosted by Otterfire
Gryphons swap. Hosted by Michele Raffaele
Sea Life swap. Hosted by Sharon Bass
Tiny shoes and purses. Hosted by Ruthe Paul
Tiny Stuff. Hosted by Sharon Bass
X-mas trees. Hosted by Marci Keller
Penguins. Hosted by Tara Brayshaw

Swaps in this color I didn't get back for one reason or the other.

These were the swaps I have been in, am in or am contemplating to be in. All in all they span from
January 1999 to January 2000.

Dryad, 2000